Thursday, December 19, 2019

Upgrading to Windows 10 - What has changed?

Windows 7 mainstream (free) support is ending very soon, in January 2020. This means if you have been a windows 7 hold out, it might be a good idea to upgrade now. 
In fact, Microsoft is still offering free upgrades, which they are not advertising.
If you wish to continue with Windows 7, support can be bought from Microsoft for an additional 3 years.

While Windows 7 has its charm, it is longer an actively developed, meaning there will probably be no new features are added. Windows 10 often has new features added with each major update, twice a year. 
There are however some drawbacks to Windows 10. Updates are basically forced on you. This sounds good for security sake, but unfortunately these updates have open been bug ridden. From my owns experience, an update broke my sound, and was very difficult to fix. 
Windows 7 was a traditional OS, you purchase it, you own it, which is entirely how Microsoft makes money from the operating system.  With Windows 10, Microsoft makes revenue from selling info o advertisers and other data collectors. It is the same kind of concept as Google with their Android operating system. Collected data is not personally identifiable, before sending it to third parties.